Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Der rassistische East End Gay Pride in London ist erst mal gestoppt: Suspect dankt dem Safra Projekt

Suspect dankt dem Safra Projekt und den vielen queer und trans AktivistInnen of Color für ihren geballten und erfolgreichen Protest gegen den rassistischen East End Gay Pride! Gerade nun, da das Schlimmste abgewendet ist, halten wir es für äußerst wichtig den Fokus auf ebenjene POC - Netzwerke und Organisationen zu richten um sicherzustellen, dass ihnen die Anerkennung und das Gehör erteilt wird, welches ihnen zusteht. Denn wie so oft sind weiße Queers und Gayrightsaktivisten schnell dabei sich das Lob in die eigenen Taschen zu stecken obgleich sie von der eigentlichen Kritik nichts verstanden haben...
Doch auch durch die riesige transnationale Solidarität von QT-POCS die in ihren Communities ähnliches erleben, fühlen wir uns gestärkt für den weiteren Kampf gegen die Gentrifizierung unserer Wohngebiete und dem Rassismus von Gay Nationalisten.


PS: Die weissen Medien und homonationalistischen Kräfte drohen bereits, den Sieg in weitere Energie für Homonationalisten - umzuwandeln, allen voran Peter Tatchell, der den EEGP zunächst unterstützte und seine Nachfolge-Veranstaltung jetzt mit einer ähnlich anti-muslimischen Message selbst organisieren will. QT-POCs in Britannien brauchen weiterhin eure Unterstützung! Bitte lest und leitet die folgenden tollen Blogs weiter: (ein Blog von Verbündeten, der queere-und-trans-Gefangenen-Unterstützung leistet)

Dienstag, 15. März 2011

Safra Project statement on East End Gay Pride


The Safra Project has been working on issues affecting Queer Muslims for over a decade. This work includes making the areas in which we live safer for all. Our approach in doing this work seeks to avoid adding to the alienation and further deprivation faced by many in our communities because of ethnic, cultural, class or other material factors.

As many of us are residents and members of East End communities we are also dismayed by the homophobic sticker campaign and what we view as the subversion of our Muslim beliefs to instil fear and mistrust amongst communities. This is echoed by further members of the local Muslim community such as the East London Mosque and the Association of British Muslims.

We are similarly opposed to the ‘East End Gay Pride’ march as a response to the sticker campaign which we believe only compounds the problem, particularly for us as Muslims that are Queer, as it fuels what has now become a virulently Islamophobic climate for us to live in. Unfortunately, the claim by the East End Gay Pride march organisers that they are not being anti-Muslim is insufficient to stop their effective complicity in fuelling the various stereotyped ideas about Muslims. It also undermines the important work that our organisation and others are involved in around issues of gender, sexuality and Islam (

Moreover, we are particularly concerned that the march organisers’ have refused to disassociate themselves from the far-right organisation English Defence League (EDL) especially as it seems that anti-fascist supporters have been told they will not be welcome at the march. This not only disregards the history of embedded racism that our communities have suffered in the area and more generally but also, as Queer Muslims, we feel that there are more productive ways to address the concerns that the East End Gay Pride march organisers have raised. For example by getting involved with the important cross-community projects that are ongoing in East London (

Therefore, we, as Queer Muslims who are most likely to suffer the fall out of this march, ask:
•The organisers to cancel this march on all of our communities, neighbours and families in East London.
•The local Queer people in the East End of London to engage with the wider local community in collaboration to better understand and work productively on all forms of prejudice.
•For everyone to voice their opposition to overt and covert racism and Islamophobia especially in the name of gay rights. All forms of prejudice must be understood in their overlapping ways and to ignore this lived reality, particularly that of Queer Muslims, is to avoid engaging with underlying issues of social, economic and political injustice and disadvantage (

If the march continues it does so without the support of our organisation and with little regard for the complex work that we as Queer Muslims do in Britain.

Safra Project Board
An open letter to East End Gay Pride by Onni
Mayor of Tower Hamlets and community leaders come together to condemn homophobia